Reporting Abuse
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor & helpless, & see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8-9
MERCYhouse has taken the allegations, instances and covering up of abuse within our denomination very seriously. While this has never occurred at MERCYhouse, we as a church have taken a proactive stance on denouncing this behavior, providing greater accountability for our leaders and advocacy for victims in our community.
If you have experienced abuse, we strongly encourage you to report it. There are several options for you:
1. Report an instance of abuse to our Pastors
You can reach out collectively to our pastors by emailing, or individually (Tommy, Cory or Jimi)
2. Report an instance of abuse to our local SBC Office
The Baptist Convention of New England is our local convention body. You can speak with the Executive Director, Dr. Terry Dorsett by calling: 508-393-6013 x224 or emailing:
3. Report an instance of abuse to the National SBC Abuse Hotline
There are two options to report an instance of abuse—by phone at 202-864-5578 or
Survivors will be notified of the available options for care and will be put in touch with an advocate. All information will remain confidential.
Mandatory Reporting / Procedure
Every state has laws identifying those required to report child abuse. MERCYhouse will report suspected or known abuse. In all states and territories, any person is permitted to report child abuse and abuse of vulnerable adults. As followers of Jesus, we are charged with protecting the vulnerable, and reporting known or suspected abuse is part of that mandate. If you know or suspect a child or vulnerable adult has been abused, you should report this to civil authorities.
An alleged abuser will be removed from all ministerial duties until the report is resolved. We will inform the church as appropriate, ministering to the victim and the alleged abuser, and will not attempt to investigate the allegations of abuse internally.
Additional Resources
Reporting Laws for each State
Reporting Abuse of Vulnerable Adults
Massachusetts Elder Abuse and Protective Services
Report Abuse of Seniors 60+
PHONE: 800-922-2275
Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission
Ages 18 to 59
PHONE: 800-426-9009
TTY: 888-822-0350