
Welcome to our website. We are glad you are here to check things out and hope this site will help guide you through the household that is our church.  Let's start by telling you a little bit about our history.

MERCYhouse was started in Amherst, MA in 1999 by Joe Greene and Robert Krumrey in cooperation with The Baptist Convention of New England. You may be thinking, "How exactly do you start a church?" Well, we wondered that too until September 12, 1999.

We started by getting the word out all around town and on the campus of UMass that a new church was starting up and that we would be meeting in the Boltwood Inn on a Sunday evening for an informational meeting. We prayed, we hoped, and we prayed some more. The result was a jam-packed room of college students and other young adults who were hungry to know God, build a close-knit community, and turn all that knowing and growing into service to others.

From that launch point, our MERCYhouse family has grown to encompass students from our Five-College area (and beyond!) as well as people from our community. We've been flooded with both people of faith desiring to grow deeper and those who have come to investigate the Christian faith for the very first time.

Our hope is that MERCYhouse will be a safe place for people to find their way to God through faith in Christ (that's the MERCY part) and experience that faith in the context of loving community (that's the house part).

Read on to find out more about our beliefs and how you can respond to the Good News we teach every week.