Church Summit
Sunday, December 10th, 2017 - 4:00pm
What's a church summit?
Twice a year MERCYhouse gathers its members for a meeting that includes celebrating what God has done in the congregation, praying for the church and its mission, and voting on items as mandated by our church constitution. In general, the December Summit is for voting on leadership and the June Summit is for voting on the financial report and church spending plan. Church votes include the calling of pastors, confirming of elders & deacons, confirming of officers of the church, and confirming of use of funds through financial reports and budget proposals.
Here is the official agenda for our winter church summit:
When: Sunday, December 10th, @ 4:00pm
Where: Downstairs cafe of main building
What: See Agenda below
Call Meeting to Order - Moderator Patrick Grafton-Cardwell
Vote on approval of meeting minutes from June 2017 meeting - Read by Clerk, see complete minutes HERE
Vote on confirmation of church officers for 2018
Moderator - Patrick Grafton-Cardwell
Clerk - Maddison Erbabian
Treasurer - Steve Harrington
President - Robert Krumrey
Vote on confirmation of elders for 2018
Dan Moylan
Steve Harrington
Chris Blount
Robert Krumrey
Vote to Adjourn Business Portion of the Meeting - Moderator
In addition to voting on the above leaders, we will be recognizing our servant team leaders for 2018. According to our new constitution, these don't need a congregational vote.
Sunday Logistics:
New leader: Rick Carbonaro & Continuing leader: Kimberly Johnson
New Leaders: Vi Tran & Hapshiba Kwon
New Leaders: Matt Dahl and Mihaela Sousa
New Leader: Elias Ghantous & Continuing Leader: Jay Sullivan
New leader: Laura Looman
New Leader: John Looman & Continuing Leader: Will Tan
Women’s Ministry:
Continuing Leaders: Laura Tan & Melanie Krumrey
MH Kids:
New Leader: Ashleigh Murphy
New Leaders: Maddison Erbabian & Lois Grandmaison
New Leaders: Brandon & Amanda Prickett and Mike & Olivia Fitzpatrick
Snow Shoveling Team:
New Leaders: Elliot Kuan and Jeff Lancaster