What's EQUIP?
by Robert Krumrey
I often think about wearing a GoPro while I go about my days to record all that I see God doing in the lives of our church members. As a pastor, I have the privilege of having a front row seat to many of the unfolding stories that make up the family of MERCYhouse. People voraciously reading scripture and eagerly asking questions about God and his ways. Families grieving loss but standing firmly on Christ in faith. Students joyfully going to or returning from living on mission in far away lands. When I share the details of some of these stories with others in our church, they are amazed that these things are happening under their noses and they want to hear more.
We are a little over a week away from Saturday, September 8th which is the date for an event we are hosting called EQUIP! It's an experience we are hoping to share with every member at MERCYhouse and with anyone who plans to officially join our church this semester. We've grown numerically over the last couple of years which has been very exciting and an answer to prayer. It's also made it more difficult to keep all of our members abreast of what's happening in our church. Simply put, many of our members don't know each other much less how to do life and mission together.
These are all growing pains and the result of blessings from God. It's a new season in the life of our church and it means that getting to know fellow members is going to take more than just bumping into one another at the coffee bar at Sunday services. We are going to have to put time aside to gather in periodic meetings that bring us all together in one place at one time. This is a large part of the vision for EQUIP. Getting members to sit across from one another so they can meet one another and pray together to thank God for what he has done and what he will do in the coming school year.
It will also be a time to hear about the current direction of our church and how you can be a part. We really do want to be a church that fulfills the great commission that was given us by Jesus - to make disciples of all nations. This is only going to happen when all of our membership is in community and on mission while staying focused on the worship of Jesus. Please take a minute to check your calendar, talk to your spouse (if you have one) and RSVP for this very important event. Breakfast, Lunch and Childcare will be provided.
Starts - 9am & Ends no later than 3pm
To RSVP or if you have questions? Contact@mercyhouse365.org