A New Season for JD

Dear MERCYhouse,

We’re writing to let you know that our brother JD has accepted a position as Worship Director / Pastor in Hudson Massachusetts. This is a bittersweet moment for us to celebrate JD and all he has done over the past three years, and to send him, Ash and their baby off to an exciting new opportunity. JD and Ash’s last Sunday will be May 1, 2022.

JD has been an incredibly faithful and steadfast pillar for our church community, providing consistent, excellent and theologically sound worship week in and week out. We have been blessed by his leadership which has helped our family keep our hearts and eyes on Christ through the most challenging seasons of our church’s history. We are also thankful for his investment in our youth as he began developing a safe space for teens to engage in fellowship with one another and God. JD has served selflessly and admirably, and we are thankful for the sacrifices he and Ash have made for the building of God’s Kingdom here in Amherst. Praise God!

We at MERCYhouse are blessed with many gifted musicians who have helped lead our church in making a “joyful noise” and to “come into His presence with singing” (Psalm 100). We hope to gather our musicians who have been involved with worship in the past, and who would like to be involved in the future, to have a conversation to consider how to continue worshipping our Father through music and song.

The date and time of our Worship Ministry meeting is Tuesday, April 26 at 7:00pm at MERCYhouse.

We also would like to gather those who have a heart for our youth to have a conversation about the future of that ministry as well. Our last MH:Youth meeting for the spring semester will be May 1st which will coincide with a send-off party for JD. We will be in contact with parents, and a meeting with those interested will take place this summer.

In both these areas, we ask all of our family members to pray. We are not afraid or anxious, but we trust in Christ to continue leading our family. Our prayer is not immediately for a new worship leader, but for worship to continue in Spirit and in Truth at MERCYhouse. Our prayer is not immediately for a new youth leader, but for our youth to be loved and discipled as valuable members of our church family. 

Please join us in sending off JD and Ash well! We know that they will be an incredible blessing to Grace Church in Hudson, MA. We pray that God would care for them and their family, allow them to be fruitful in ministry, and that their faith in God would grow tremendously in this next season of life. We love you guys!

In Christ,

Tommy, Jake, Garrett, and Steve 

(Please feel free to reach out to us at elders@mercyhouse365.org)