Called to Serve
Once someone has been in your home for a while, they develop a certain level of comfort and freedom to do things like help themselves to the food in the fridge or let themselves in through the back door. They also start noticing needs, knowing how to meet them, and pitching in around the house.
It takes a lot of hands to accomplish all that happens in the course of one week in our household and is going to require more as the ministry of our church expands throughout the Pioneer Valley.
Our goal is 100% volunteerism. That means we invite anyone who calls MERCYhouse home to roll up their sleeves and joyfully pitch in during the course of every semester. We know people have different availabilities, capacities, and gifts, but we hope together to let our passion for God spill over into active service of others and see our thriving community bless the world as a result.
Check out the different service teams listed below and see where you can pitch in.