Thoughts on the upcoming election.
by Robert Krumrey
We are less than two weeks away from the presidential election and our news outlets and social media feeds are ablaze with opinions about who to vote for and why. Those of you reading this who are citizens in the US should certainly be carefully weighing these candidates and prayerfully casting a vote for one of them or at least for a write-in. While I think that a democratic republic is the best that sinful humans can come up with in terms of a governmental structure, the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship.
Just think of it, if you could have a sovereign who calls all the shots, who is absolutely good and wise and powerful. Wouldn’t that be the best of all possible governments? There would be no need for voting or debating or adjudicating or any of the sort. We could merely look to the sovereign for all that is good and right and never doubt their words or actions. Of course we have yet to find a human being who can fulfill these kinds of expectations. Those who are given absolute power end up using it for their own twisted ends and those under their rule suffer dearly.
Yet every election season, I see people’s eyes lit up with the hope that their candidate will usher in the promised utopia described in their latest campaign ads. The promises of lower taxes, perfect programs, and ensured health & safety. Like moths to a flame we gravitate toward our candidate of choice believing that “this time” we’ll get all that we’ve been hoping for. This phenomenon is displayed on both the right and the left and always surprises me especially when these behaviors are being exemplified by Christians.
Thankfully the world IS being run by a benevolent dictator and his name is Jesus. Jesus is clear that he has ALL power and authority in the ultimate sense. I often think of this statement from Matthew 28 which sets up what we usually call the great commission:
“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
He’s not kidding. Part of why we should believe him when he says this, is that he delivers this stunning statement from the mouth of his resurrected body - a body that a few days prior had been nailed to a cross and later left for dead in a sealed tomb. Now he’s standing before his disciples in perfect health and is letting them know what is really true. What is really true is that King Jesus is a benevolent dictator over all things. As rulers with power and authority tend to do, he gives commands. His very next statement is this one:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, ”
King Jesus reveals to his disciples that he wants to extend his rule through the making of disciples. This is such a massive act of kindness on his part. A King with Jesus’ kind of power and authority could easily wipe out any opposition and create a peace on the earth that would last forever, but he is benevolent. He is a good King who invites all to come into his kingdom through faith in his gracious saving work on the cross. Those who put genuine faith in that saving work become his disciples meaning that they bow the knee to his good authority and serve at the pleasure of their king.
Those who are reading this are in one of two camps - those who have come under Jesus’ authority and become his disciple and those who have not. If you haven’t, I would encourage you to do so. Jesus really is an all powerful, all wise, and all good king and he has proven that in his death, burial, and resurrection. Come to him to save you from the enemies of sin and death and bow the knee to his good authority over you as well as the rest of heaven and earth. If you don’t, there will come a time when Jesus does use his power and authority to bring peace to the earth and judgment to those who have rejected his offer of grace and truth (for example see Philippians 2:1-11).
If you’ve received his gracious offer of salvation through faith, then you’ve been given your marching orders for how to obey your Sovereign - make disciples. This endeavor includes informing others about this all powerful, all good, all wise Sovereign who has used his power and authority to save sinners and transform godless rebels into citizens of the kingdom of God. So as you cast ballots and talk politics with your family, friends, and neighbors, remember that you ultimately reside in the kingdom of God. Live in the hope of that reality and invite others to do the same.