Thank you for your service.

I (Pastor Tommy) want to take a moment to acknowledge the tremendous service of Jake Blackwood and Garrett Postema who have served as Elders of MERCYhouse until their term ended last week on February 29th, 2024.

Both Garrett and Jake completed their eldership training and were commissioned in October of 2020. While our world was reeling from the devastating global pandemic, these men stepped into their calling and helped our church navigate the practical challenges of governmental mandates and the emotional and spiritual weight of sickness and death which loomed heavy on us all. The challenges were unprecedented, the outlook uncertain, but the course was stayed. Jake and Garrett helped lead our church in worshiping God, growing in our love and knowledge of Him through His Word, and following Him faithfully as a community.

In their second year of service, our founding pastor announced his resignation. While our church was reeling from this surprising news, these men stepped into their calling to help our church navigate a myriad of church hurt, significant growing pains, and a transition to a new lead pastor. And once again, the challenges were unprecedented, the outlook uncertain, but the course was stayed. Garrett and Jake helped lead our church in worshiping God, growing in our love and knowledge of Him through His Word, and following Him faithfully as a community. 

These men have not served perfectly, but they served faithfully. Their time as elders was birthed in adversity but beautifully refined through hardships by the love, grace and mercy of God. 

I’ve had a chance to reflect on how God has used them in these past few years. I am ever grateful for the countless hours they gave in meetings (which always ran late), the times they took on the mantle of preaching God’s Word, the many personal sacrifices that they and their wives Jamie and Michelle made, and their invaluable friendship which carried me through the darkest of times. But what I am most thankful for and inspired by is their genuine love for the Lord and His Church. They love Jesus! They love MERCYhouse. This was made clear by their repeated willingness to fulfill this calling which God had put on their lives to serve as elders / shepherds / pastors of this flock.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Galatians 6:9–10

Your church thanks you, Jake and Garrett, for your faithful service to our King and His Church and for not growing weary in doing good. Thank you Jamie and Michelle, for your many sacrifices which made it possible for your husbands to serve and for your own great contributions to our household of faith. 

“To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:21)

If you’d like to reach out to Jake, Garrett, Jamie or Michelle with a word of encouragement, please feel free to contact them ( and